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Project development grants

The grant program is designed to support productions that benefit the Tasmanian screen production industry.

There are four categories of funding within the Guidelines (PDF 2.1 MB) for this program.  These are:

  • Short-form series booster – grant up to $25,000
  • Intermediate stage funding – recoupable grant up to $20,000
  • Market attached funding – recoupable grant up to $30,000
  • Slate development - recoupable grant up to $30,000

There are also Notes and Project History Guidelines (PDF 525.0 KB) to aid you in preparing an application.

Under this program, we can provide funding for two stages of a project’s development process, across the above categories. Applicants may only receive funding once per stage.

Short-form series booster

Grant of up to $25,000

More about Short-form series booster

Intermediate stage funding

Recoupable grant up to $20,000

More about Intermediate stage funding

Market attached funding

Recoupable grant up to $30,000

More about Market attached funding

Slate Development

Recoupable grant up to $30,000

More about Slate Development